Moarte cu napalm intr-un local de fite

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Personal am asteptat cu mult interes acest concert. O trupa de referinta, inventatoarea grindcore-ului, dar si un permanent motiv de polemica referitor la genul in care se incadreaza muzica lor (daca fac grindcore sau death metal), la grindcore in sine (daca vine din hardcore punk sau nu) si alte probleme din astea. In fine, cu totii cred ca suntem de acord ca fara Napalm Death scena internationala de muzica extrema nu ar fi fost aceeasi. Aici am sa dau un citat de pe un site, destul de amuzant, dar si foarte adevarat:

Without Napalm Death music would be nicer. Much nicer. Lots more sensitive singer-songwriters gentle strumming and utterly depressing odes to the joys of melancholy. How lovely. And lots more ambient elevator muzak with extra added whale song samples to lull you to sleep after a busy day sniffing flowers and stroking cute liddle pussy cats. How sweet. In fact, if you could go back in a time machine to 1981 and assassinate Napalm Death, then you’d come back to a world where everyone sounded like Enya. Except even sweeter and nicer. Brilliant! Citeste articolul „Moarte cu napalm intr-un local de fite”

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